school doesn't encourage me to be creative. all the classes I got aren't creative in the slighted and when I got the chance to have art classes It got removed as not enough guys picked art, multi media, and drama for there elective classes
so most of the time I want to draw things i can't because of the amount of school work that's piled onto me because I missed one day of school and can't skip any of it because teachers have lost all sense of empathy dealing with teenagers so much.(I might be exaggerating the last part a little bit)
so does school work hinder your creativity and what you want to do?
even though it's important do you see it as a curse?
I sometimes struggle with that question even though I know the answer.
Speaking from an adult(?)'s perspective, most workplaces don't encourage creativity either.
If you want to do anything creative (or even artistic) you will have to do so in your spare time, while trying to balance every others aspect of your life at the same time. Terms like 'struggling artist' and 'starving artist' don't get coined for nothing.
The only "easy" ways around that is essentially being born rich, so you don't have to care as much about personal finances - or living a rather ascetic life in a tent in the wilderness. If that's any consolation that part will get better once people realize how much the world would be improved if we killed the people in power of the big companies who treat their workers poorly and try to bleed their customers dry - while complaining that _their_ business practices had negative consequences on the entire world and asking for tax deductions.
So I guess what I'm saying is: "Let them eat 'the rich'." :)
But since something important and helpful like that never happens if only small groups complain, your best bet in the immediate future is to draft an open letter, put it on a clipboard and try to collect signatures from your fellow pupils during the breaks so the school brings the art classes back. People have to vote with their feet though. Every signer would have to commit to switching to 'Art' if the school were to bring it back. It's a bit late in the semester, but with some luck they'll pencil it in for next year.
Other than that... A transfer to another school would be 'a' possibility, but how feasible that is would be dependent on how well your local means of public transport are. Plus, it will eat a lot of your spare time traveling.