I don't mean to get all sad and all but It's hard to avoid with what I'm gonna talk about so read at your own discretion!
every good story has a question that defines the theme like "is it ok to murder a killer?" or more generically "the importance of friendship". once you look for these you'll be able to see these everywhere.
Every story has a question and their answer to it. Most stories fall flat because their question was to open ended or they couldn't give an answer.
so what would the question be for my story? the one that'll define myself?
I looked into what I hate most in the world, and I got a result.
theres violence and horrors happening all the time
war, gang violence, lack of connection, genocides. they all are gray problems where both sides are at fault.
but in the world we live in they become a cluster funk where you have to one of two sides that either support situations corrupt or fuel another problems flames.
Everyone is becoming progressively black and white in their views and you never know what's really happening as most of this information is hidden or shown without context, which becomes a problem when people commit crimes.
so it thought what I would do if I had power, then I thought about a lot of shows where the good guys with power make a world a better place and realised... that wouldn't ever happen, I'm just a person and I make mistakes, just fighting sides would not solve anything, if not it make things worse.
nothings that simple and I know it. No one has or should have the power to shake the world, so what type of story always has these people? Shonen stories of course! my main inspiration.
so I formed the question for my story called "The Art Of Villainly"
It's this:
Who deserves power and why?
-Coldstael the hedge-rat