holly molly this is crazy!
holly molly this is crazy!
I like their shoes. they loom so cool that I want a pair of those.
your signature is also very well done.
Thanks! I’m glad you like her shoes and i’m happy to see you back :)
Oh boy
this is gonna be quite the episode
omg so cute
Wow I really like blocky and sharp all the shapes of the characters are
I really love how you keep the drawing looking constant even though the lines are boiling
what a fun character design!
I'll try to draw them when I have the chance
that seven yard stare is looking deep into my soul
What a cute drawing
chicken so tasty!
I like how you done the blue flower pattern on the album art!
both of the sides are nice also
Thanks you, it so nice to hear that! :D
Good Day, Good Day
I'm a person who has something dumb things happening in their cranium that's gotta be shown.
Give me any criticism you want to share but don't just give me death threats
hope you have a nice day :D
Joined on 10/28/23