Harleys got a fun design, good luck with whatever you're doing my friend
Harleys got a fun design, good luck with whatever you're doing my friend
I will, and I'm glad you like Harley
Teal seems like a nice bloke, though I thought they weren't a guy for a sec
I'm curious on what "the strike" you referred to is meant to be, I haven't heard of any so was it an internet thing or a real world thing?
you don't have to say specifics
Recently a global strike was called to boycott any company currently supporting Israel in their genocide against Palestine.
She looks super energetic, Good work
It's "he" actually, but thx :))
I like the premise and the character designs
though there isn't enough content yet for me to critique the story and character all that much
I don't think the introduction to the premise to be all that interesting, it revels a bit much what happened.
having a mystery is better then know everything at first
(unless you're setting up another mystery for the story and the premise isn't meant to be the whole show :P)
Mystery isn't really my goal because I want the readers to focus more on the character's adventures rather than what has happened in the past, so I just let the readers know what happened :)
I do plan on putting some mysteries later in the story, however :D
that face at the end, it's going in my repository of cool faces in drawings i like because it's so cool.
I have no idea whats up thou, I Assume the lack of information is intentional
glad you liked it and yes it was intentional
I don't know what Discord Rich presence are meant to be but these are pretty cool
on the piece on colour you should have the purples for both purple guys be different so it doesn't look like they're both the same guy and on the followed piece, the top hat is so big that it looks like shadow Freddy has a big forehead.
but with all of these I can still see a consistent charm with all of them and that matters a lot.
This is good stuff
Wow! Thank you for the constructive criticism! The Color Piece was definitely an oversight, as the two were actually different colors! But when I turned saturation on to the max, they both ended up looking very similar. As for Followed, I actually totally understand that. Definitely should've messed with the hat proportions a bit more.
Also, Discord Rich Presence is basically what your status shows on Discord. Like what song you are playing for example. And these icons 'should' be shown with it! (LEX3X posted a whole bunch of them on Twitter after Ourple Guy's release, but for some reason didn't give these songs in particular one)
last year wasn't that bad... was it?
i suppose not; it did have a lot of good parts to balance things out. but i guess it all depends on who you are and what you did and went through. i’m glad you’re stayin positive about it
good perspective work
And I'm not gonna ask how you did the shading so well, for this is a review on Newgrounds
for the shading i just trusted the process :)
Nice posing and water texture, though the walk cycle feels a little to normal for this guy
I got the impression he's a jittery ball of energy, even with the hand stand in this post, all of the body parts are moved on different frames.
It's a really cool touch but the effect falls apart when the character then move normally for a specific action. though I shouldn't be to critical, walk cycles are hard and you at least made one that reads well.
animation speedruned, was More showcase of environment
Is the blue arrow person a eel or a snake?
what ever it is, i like how goofy they look
In my head they're some kind of vaguely reptile/chameleon kind of creature with the many swirls in their design.
And thank you! I like their strange look too :D
Good Day, Good Day
I'm a person who has something dumb things happening in their cranium that's gotta be shown.
Give me any criticism you want to share but don't just give me death threats
hope you have a nice day :D
Joined on 10/28/23